12.12.2023 Publications

VENTS provided ventilation for the new “Dacha” family house for cancer-affected children

In early November of this year, the first Ukrainian Center for families with children affected by cancer “Dacha” was opened in Kyiv, where the families can live together for free during the treatment of children at the National Cancer Institute and Okhmatdyt. The initiator and organizer of this project was the Zaporuka charity foundation, and the company “Ventilation systems” was one of the partners and benefactors.

The construction of the family house lasted five years and cost ca. €1.5 million, which were donated by philanthropists, international organizations and Ukrainian companies. Natalia Onipko, the founder and president of the Zaporuka charity foundation, said, “We have made the new Family Center very cozy and comfortable, and, most importantly, safe. And it all became possible thanks to the support of partners who joined the creation of Dacha. We built it together with 65 companies, including conscious Ukrainian businesses and international organizations.”

Today Dacha is not just 950 m2 of housing, but a whole support center for children and their families during treatment and recovery. The house has separate family rooms for 15 families. Besides cozy rooms, there are a psychologist’s office, physical rehabilitation room, a room with sound insulation, play and studying areas, common areas, including a kitchen with a dining room, special rooms for children using wheelchairs, etc.

High-quality air exchange of the Center’s premises is provided by a ventilation system based on VENTS’s equipment, which the company gave as charity aid. The heart of this system is the air treatment unit AirVENTS AV02, which provides fresh air flow and is placed between the concrete floor slab and the false ceiling. The unit contains a fan with a capacity of almost 2000 cubic meters per hour, a G4 cassette filter, a water-based preheating section, a freon-based cooling and heating section, a drip tray and a noise absorption section.

Clean and heated in winter (or cooled down in summer) supply air enters the foyers and corridors of the two-story building, from where it spreads through the rooms due to excessive pressure and only then is removed to the outside through household exhaust fans VENTS 125 M L, VENTS 150 M L and ventilation grilles. This configuration of the ventilation system, in which the points of fresh air intake and exhaust air discharge are located in different places and there is no heat recovery, completely eliminates the mixing of exhaust and supply air flows and guarantees the best possible air cleanliness in the house.

Fresh air creates a comfortable microclimate in the rooms and provides children with oxygen, which gives them energy, improves cognitive abilities and facilitates strengthening their immunity. That is why ventilation by VENTS in the Dacha family house will play an important role in the process of treatment and medical rehabilitation of children.

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